"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Where Are My Keys!?!!?!?!

So today was just supposed to be another fly back from San Fran day. It was SO not another fly back from San Fran day. I started out the day at 5:42...that's right. AM! So we get ready, get on BART and take the hour plus ride out there, say goodbye to Danielle en route (her stop was clearly before ours was) and make our way to SFO. It was a bit chilly at SFO and mom and I stood there freezing, I'm pretty sure I made a bit more of a scene about it than she did. Dad just looked at us like we were insane. As we made our way from BART to the airport tram and into the airport we looked at the clock and had about an hour to go. When you come down the escalator you see the security line and it was short! Our spirits were soaring! Then we walked around the corner....BAM! There was the line from Hades. Once we got closer and the man from outside made an announcement we discovered that there were more than hour long delays. So we stood in line probably for a good hour. Finally it was our turn. I ended up still going through Chicago only leaving at 11:35 instead of 10 am. Then that got delayed until 12:20. And my Chicago flight got delayed or moved from 4:30 to 7:30. So I was all set to go. Mom, dad, and I had brunch in the place where they always have breakfast and then we walked around for a while. It was finally time for me to go after being delayed again. So I got on my plane and fell asleep before we even taxied off.

I woke up in Chicago, turned out that my once 2.5 hour layover was now less than an hour. Oh well! So I look at the monitor and what does it say? "Delayed." So I walked around for a little bit, made my pit stop, and got this amazing Mexican food. Then I sauntered (yes, I did not hasten) to my gate. Oh, I forgot to mention the magazine I got to enteratain myself the first little bit on the plane taking off. Turns out it was a good idea because I couldn't sleep on the second flight.

So I finally land in Dulles, late of course. I make my little pit stop, take the tram to go get my luggage and my luggage was already there! I think that's the first time that's ever happened! I figured that since I was already late I might as well grab a sandwich for the road. Turns out it was a good thing I did because I ended up checking in for my shuttle....waiting for them to call my number....walking to the bus where I waited 20 minutes for someone to come and then waiting about another 15 minutes before we left. It was a bit ridiculous really. So we dropped off the people in front of me and off to my apartment we were headed. I decided to get my tip money out before we got to the apartment and I thought that since I was already digging in my purse I would get my keys out.

So that was my big mistake. We finally arrive at the apartment and I get out, remember my water bottle that I was afraid I would forget. So I get out of the van, walk to the back and get my luggage, pull out my tip money and thank the man. He gets in the car and starts to drive off. And then it happens. WHERE ARE MY KEYS!?!?!!?!?!!?! :O So the panic starts to settle in......oh, and did I forget to mention that I have 3% battery left on my phone at this point? So I start to call the shuttle company and then knock on the front door so I can at least plug in my phone until they answer their stoopid phone. (I waited on hold for over 10 minutes and called back again). So the conscierge comes and opens the door for me (there are two doors to get in, the first you don't have to have a thing to open, the second you do). It is upon trying to open the second door that we realize that she forgot to grab her keys while coming to let me in! EPIC FAIL!!! But luckily there was an outlet for me to plug my phone into. I finally got ahold of someone with the shuttle company and talked with her at length about getting my keys back. It was sounding to my like I wasn't going to get my keys tonight and I really needed to get into my apartment. So I was polite but persistent and said I would call back in half an hour and not in the suggested hour. But thankfully in within 20 minutes of the initial phone call (after being in the first part of the apartment walkway for 40 minutes) the blue shuttle showed up!!!! And he had my keys!!!! He said it would be $20 (which is MUCH cheaper than a round trip cost for them and way way cheaper than calling the locksmith) so I payed the man $40 as a tip. I was SOOO thankful. And the girl at the conscierge desk was very thankful to have my keys so we could get in the building!

So alas, I write to you from inside my apartment, that I am so thankful to be in!! And now I say goodnight!!