"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Up In the Air

Sitting in Denver's air port at the moment. I was surprised to see that both of my flights were on time since it started snowing as I was getting ready to leave home and I have yet to arrive in San Francisco on time. But alas, here I am awaiting my second (knock on wood) ontime departure of the day. Nothing terribly eventful in Omaha. I had a dream there was a blizzard and I was delayed and then it started snowing so I was fearful. But we left on time. I must have been oblivious (me??) to the overhead announcements b/c I was still texting Danielle when the stewardess asked me to turn off my cell phone....in mid-text! She stood over me until I turned it off, I gave her a look like "do you mind?? I'm not 5, I'll turn if off lady, keep walking. Get off my back." On the plane I tried sleeping and that didn't work. The older man sitting next to me reeked of alcohol, made me almost sneeze twice. Finally just decided to stay awake and read some.

After we had landed (there were two girls in front of us going to Las Vegas apparently, the mans wife was very talkative) this man's wife was talking to the girls about going to Vegas and then somehow (still not sure how) the conversation turned and this girl mentioned she gets motion sick and proceeds to hold up her little baggie of VOMIT! Gross! Umm, I know that I have a very sick sense of humor, but I don't joke about vomit.....and I'm a nurse! I was tempted to rip the patch from behind my ear off and slap it on her head. That was disgusting. I just kept my mouth shut and resisted the urge to ask her to double bag that nasty crap. I mean really, who shows off their "to-go" bag of vomit?? So that was probably the highlight of my day. Not a lot is going to top that right?? Wrong! I went and got a sandwich and this semi-Panera looking place, walked all the way from the end of the terminal where I purchased the sandwich to the complete opposite end where my gate is to eat it. So I get my laptop out, take a couple bites in between getting things set up and low and behold I see a hair sticking out at me. It's a black hair. I realize my hair is very dark, thick and course. But this was NOT my hair. So, 3 bites into sandwich....bye-bye sandwich. Now I realize the hair probably didn't touch the other half of the sandwich and I said to myself, "self, be reasonable, just eat the other half, it's untainted I'm sure." But I just couldn't do it. Thankfully the sandwich came with a "free" or complimentary cookie (premade hallilujah) that I ate. BUT I can't complain too much, because my flights are on time and I just might make it into San Fran at my scheduled 4:50 (6:50 NE time). But with my luck someone will go into labor or have a heart attack on the plane.....SO.....we'll see!

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